Golden crisp? What the -hell- is he talking about? I don't understand at all.
Ze final Misty pic (It's been quite the manly-man session we've gotten from Susan this year!). This last fellow is Buck. Which should come as no surprise...
ARRR! This is Raven, from LCD, by Bryan M. Richter.

I'm concerned about that name. Nice Lace pics tho'. Thank you Vicar!

Well, Reverend.

How can the Matrix be called 'overrated' when no-one likes it?

Well I do :p And so does Kim, it seems. Thanks Kim!

SEXY! Joe draws Situation Nowhere.
All is not what it seems, believe me! This is by Jade, I believe. I hope that's right...
Wahey! This is a pic of Makenzie, by Jenni. I like it, I'm not gonna crack...
You better believe they're talkin'. Thanks be to Dov Sherman.

Love and desperation? Christ, tell me about it...

This is a pic of Coryn, by Malena Carson; thank you ma'am!

If you're wondering, by the way, Coryn's a guy, he just has a girly name.

o/` Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie, life is but a dream! o/`

(Wake me up)

This is Sam, from Ms Stephanie's comic-with-the-unfortunately-misspelt-URL, Eternal Caffeine Junkie! Enjoy it.

Holy shit, it's the Cap'n! This was by jeroen; Furthermore, it's important that you read Cap'n.

Very important.

Number 2 on the ECJ hit-list is Zeke! View and learn...

Welcome to the mystery trousers of Sarah H, and also tentacles (or claws? I'm not sure).

Read Project Squidship.

Straight up. These are the eponymous heroes of Justin Pierce's comic, which has been coming along nicely. The purple man has tied the blue man to the pink girl. Soon there will be no more war!
It's Steve and Patty Nolan. From The Nolans. I know you people read it; well, maybe not you people specifically, but... anyway, yes. Josh Nickerson draws The Nolans.
This is -also- by Josh; it is Alexis, from Treasure Hunters. It's at Keenspot, I think it's a miniseries or something...
Aaaand, bringing up the rear, coming in very late (all my fault...)